Snipe Hunt, another champion homebred sired by Hunter and out of Alias Jeannie Jones (horse/photo jamie coughlin).

What is pedigree assignment?  Although we sometimes refer to it as breeding model horses, nobody expects their plastic ponies to actually procreate.  Pedigree assignment is the research of real horse bloodlines and genetics and assigning pedigrees to models of appropriate breed type and color.  A model ID may be identity only (no model) or assigned to an actual figurine. Most people start out with real bloodlines as the basis of their foundation horses and then "breed" from those bloodlines or those of other hobbyists, creating many successive generations of models. Most pedigree assigners are proud of their realistic bloodlines and take great care to make sure the "foal" is the correct color and body type for those bloodlines. To learn more about Pedigree Assignment please visit the International Pedigree assignment and Bloodline Research Association homepage at
All stallion fees are free.  If you would like to request a paper copy please send an business sized SASE.  Mare fees are listed by name and the money goes to animal rescue.

The models shown on these pages are currently not for sale unless noted otherwise.

Please email Jamie at: or

Check out the links page for current sale models or to visit galleries of past work.

All breedings must be approved and given permission, please do not use these stallions or any photos without my permission. BSO breedings are welcome. Models should be of appropriate breed type. Crossbreds are allowed for most stallions.

All adult "foals" 2 years and up must age.
Permanent foals (current year and yearlings) are fine if represented by an actual model.
Foal IDs may show as foals but age for breeding stock if owner desires.

Include your E-mail address so I can send you approval without having to wait for the certificate.

Photos and updates of offspring are always appreciated!

ALL of my horses trace back to real horses on both sides of pedigree although several do have many (carefully chosen) "model" generations. All pedigrees are designed to live on,no matter what happens to the actual models! 

KRISTIN'S LEGACY, daughter of our very special Kristin Ann.